Dedicated to the memory of
Reverend Emmanuel Ejimole Nwosu.
(September 13, 1939 - March 31, 2021)
Tributes from In-Laws...
"My dear
It’s difficult to believe you are no longer here to share the fraternity that binds us together. Who could have thought that the laughter and dreams we always share together will eventually ceased? But deep down within me, I know you didn’t mean to leave us: But we had no choice.
If I could be granted one last wish, I’d asked that for the day you left us: to be replayed, right from the beginning.
You are resting in Christ our hope in glory. Your glorious departure no doubt creates a great vacuum because your kind is rare truly. God only takes the best. With heavy heart, till we reunite again… you will always be on my mind. I love you my father-in-law. Rest in perfect peace PAPA.
Your Son-in-law
Rev. Mike Osunkwo

Tribute to Rev. Emmanuel Nwosu
It was so shocking to receive the news of your death. Your exemplary life of honesty and integrity impacted positively in my life. You gave me a sense of direction in ministry. You received me as one of your sons, treated me with so much love and care I will not forget your Godly counsel.
Papo, we love you and wish you remain with us but God loves you more. Rest on till the resurrection day.
Rev. Polycarp Inji

Papo ooooo. That's how I love to call you. I have always loved you even before I became a part of the family as a son-in-law. I miss those times when I visit you and we will gist at length about some "Igbo culture". You are fond of asking about my aged mother and my siblings. They all miss you too. I have learnt a lot from you in this short time I have spent with you. You are just like a father to me.
We love you but God loves you most. Rest on Papo ooo.
Your Son-in-law
Mr. Maduka Onwuegbu

Tribute to my Father-in-law
Papa O as you are fondly called, I still can’t believe the fact that you are no more. I keep hearing your loving voice calling me " Ify nnem" elee otu I mere.” Man of peace. I was planning to visit you and prepare your favorites ugba, bitter, orah soup… little did I know that heaven 's gate is wide open to welcome you on that faithful day (31st March 2021). I will really miss you.
Bye Papa o and continue resting in the Bosom of the Lord where there is no sickness, pain, or sorrow.
Mrs. Ify Uzoma Nwosu
(Your daughter -in-law.)

"Good Night Papo"
Papo, I remember asking about you the night of March 30 shortly before I prayed for you as I do every Tuesday night not knowing that would be the last time I would mention your name in praying for the Elderly in the family.
You were a fantastic Father-in-law, caring, always praying for me. I will miss your sense of humor and witty innuendos. Goodnight Sir, we do not sorrow like those without hope. Your daughter-in-law,
Your daughter-in-law
Mrs. ItunuOluwa Chidubem

Adieu Papo
Tribute to my late father in-law. Papo I’ll call you a king because that is what you really are. In your life time, you touched so many lives positively. I call you a king because you have all the qualities of a king. We'll always remember that special smile; that caring heart; you being there for us through good and bad times.
I couldn't have asked for a better father-in-law. Papo, we all love you but God loves you most. May your perfect soul rest in peace.
Mr. Imoh Stephen
(Your Son-in-law.)